Dr Edgardo Gonzalez

MSL Orthopedic Surgery


March 2019 to date

Licensed Surgical Assistant MD.

Licensed by the Texas Medical Board.

February 2016 to date
Certified Physician Surgical Assistant
Certified by The American Board of Surgical Assistants (ABSA).
(Certification permits Hospital and OR contact with patients in the USA)

November 2008
International Award 2008 Best Orthopedic Surgeon for Latin-America and Spain IOCIM Prize to the Medical by Achievement for a Better life

March 2004
Medical Council of Canada Certification Exam

Since 2004
Arthroscopy Association of North America

In 2000
National Award IMSS (Mexican Institute of Social Security) in the category of 3rd Level of Attention hospitals

Best Quality of Medical Attention Award 2000

Since October 1999
Member of the Spanish Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology.

Since 1998
Member of the Rotary International Club Anzures-Reforma.

Since 1997
Member of the Mexican Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology.

Since 1997 or before
*Certification of the Mexican Council of Traumatology and Orthopedics.

*Licensed to practice Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology issued by the Orthopedics and Traumatology Council of Mexico.

*Licensed to practice General Medicine issued by the Mexican Government.
(General Direction of the Professions).

*Licensed to practice Orthopedics. and Traumatology issued by the Mexican Government.
(General Direction of the Professions).

Ortopedista, Traumatólgo, Houston, Texas, consulta a domicilio.