Dr Edgardo Gonzalez

MSL Orthopedic Surgery


September 1994
Basic Course of Osteosynthesis AO (ASIF).

May 1995
Course of Pathology and Arthroscopy of the Shoulder.

October 1995
Advanced Course of Osteosynthesis AO (ASIF).

November 1996
III Mono-graphic Study in conservative Surgery bony tumors and of soft parts.

October 1999
International Congress of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology in Valencia, Spain.

October 1999
Upgrade Course in Technical Difficulties in the in the Revision Surgery for the Total Prosthesis of the Hip.
Valencia, Spain.

October 1999
Upgrade Course in Revision Surgery in the Prosthesis of the Knee.

Valencia, Spain.

October 1999
Upgrade Course in Diagnostic and Treatment of the Osteosarcoma.

Valencia, Spain.

October 1999
Symposium about Cancer and Tobacco. Valencia, Spain.

November 1999
Assistant to the Congress of the Spanish Federation of the Sport’s Medicine and
III Congress Hispanic-Luso of Sport’s Medicine in Zaragoza, Spain.

November 1999
II Inter-hospital Day of the services in Galicia of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology on Diaphysiary Fractures of the Tibia.
City of Vigo, Spain.

February 2000
Scientific meeting on Orientations in Surgery of the Cervical Rachis.

Madrid, Spain.

February 2000
Congress of the Castellano, Cantabrian, Leonesa, Riojana Society of Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery about Lumbar Spondylosis:
“Controversies among Intersomatic Coalition, Trans-pedicular Fixation, and Circumferential fixation.
Salamanca, Spain.

March 2000
II Meeting of the Group of Studies on the Problem of Working Accidents.

Vigo, Spain.

May 2000
III Ibero-Latin-American Congress of Surgery of the Hand.

Cancun, Quintana Roo, México.

Ortopedista, Traumatólgo, Houston, Texas.